17 June 2007


A comic I wrote a while back, treelines, and posted here is currently being run on flakmag in weekly installments; take a look here: flakmag. Check it out and enjoy the story (again!), and there are some other notable comics on that site that are well worth following.
The comic will be updated on braincomics as well as it appears on the web (however, my site seems to be having problems (great timing stupid awardspace!!!), so please leave a comment and let me know if it's not loading for you, or leave a comment and just say hi or whathaveyou).
The excitement mounts.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! You'd better get super rich from this. How'd you get your stuff out there?

And also, hi, whathaveyou, and I can never load Brain Comics.


eric uhlich said...

Thanks man.
Braincomics still won't load for you?!? I'm having nothing but trouble there. Check out this funny dialogue I had recently in the forums:
I thought it was working ok now; it must be my html that's the problem... Old design program.

Anonymous said...

LOL! That was a very funny little jibe YOU had at their expense. Maybe YOU discovered for YOURSELF how to be funny! And all while talking about YOUR OWN site. haha.

By the way, I did get Brain up and running later yesterday.


Anonymous said...

congrats Eric! I perused through their latest page and yours really holds up well.

Heather, Edmonton