06 December 2007

puro resuringu pawa!!

Last night i was lucky enough to be invited as a guest to a pro wrestling event; the reason being that some of the wrestlers were using a track from a friends' band, acma, as their entrance theme!

The wrestling was both hilarious and awesome; at one point eight giant speedoed men romped around the ring at the same time, engaging in dazzling aerial manoeuvres and suffocating face humping grapples. There was a shiny white English wrestler there who would often yell in a loud coarse voice, OK, before swinging the sweat from his mane, and dashing across the square for a crushing elbow smash or crotch lashing. And of course, the yellow haired chubby wrestler in white tighties whose gerth was betrayed only by his leaping buoyancy.

The crowd was suspiciously quiet and polite, though a few shouted wrestler names and encouraged pinned men to fighto their way out of a hold; often we engaged in a clap-along with a wrestler or hurriedly scampered out of the way of a large body smashing through the chairs ring-side like a bull in a day care. Regardless, I think everyone had a good time, except maybe the referee; he took a lot of grief.

Here are a few pics of this memorable event: